Consulting Services With Lasting Impact
Your business data is critical to your success whether you’re an SMB or enterprise size company and once that information is lost, it would bring a great problem to any organization out there. Critical data can get lost in an unexpected way and anytime throughout the course. Sometimes your data cannot be easily re-accessed through other sources such as emails and other means of storage areas. Look at innovative backup and restore options from MKS.
Update your company's operating equipment with business security and communication systems from MKS. We have the skills and technology to fulfill your specific requests, so let us help make your property safer with:
• Disaster Recovery—Includes Backup Technology Design & Implementation • Security & Firewall Services
• Wireless Technology • IT-Based Video Solutions Cameras • Intrusion Detection • Access Control Systems
• Network Engineering • Network Maintenance & Monitoring • Access Solutions—Local & Remote

Our solutions and recommendation of technology is focused towards network and system vulnerabilities which protects your organization from day to day network attacks.
MKS’s security solutions are built on real time experiences. Our team focuses on providing the best solutions that really matters to your organizations protection.

MKS plays a major role as a consultant to your Security Needs. Our team focuses on collecting real time data to provide the most accurate security recommendations.